Monday, September 5, 2016

Revealing 100 Topics For Blogging

Topics for blog

How to Find Topics for Blogging

Choosing a topic for your blog can be a challenge at times.  I have found great resources and tools that you can incorporate into your blog.  Forget about running into writers block again with these great ideas that will take your blog to the next level. 

Don’t’ know where to start with your blog?  How to choose topics that are informative and interesting?  Follow along and find 100 topics and how to choose a topic for your next blog post. Never run out of ideas again. 

Your blog posts and images should relate to the niche you are focusing on.  For example if your blog is about weight loss your focus should be on weight loss, diet, fitness and health. 

If your niche is on Cooking then your focus should be on cooking, recipes, food, healthy cooking, dinners, entrees, drinks and deserts.  

Choose a niche that you are passionate about and show cases your expertise in your articles with relevant, interesting information that readers will enjoy. 

Ask yourself the follow questions.

  • What is the purpose of your blog?
  • Is your blog going to be profitable?
  • Are you going to use your blog to teach others about your expertise?
  • Are you writing about personal experiences?
  • How are you going to promote your blog?
  • What is your target audience?
  • Who will be searching for your topic?
  • What is theme for your blog. This will give you direction on how to choose your topics that are relivent your blog posts.

Top Tools For Choosing a Blog Topic 

Google Trends on Current Topics is a good place to start.  Find the latest list of relevant topics of discussion around the world or near you.  Find out what’s trending now in data, visualization and what is most important to readers.  

Compare search terms on relevant keywords and see exactly what people are searching for and develop a graph to show statistical proof.  Explore trending YouTube videos that may correspond with your blog and write about that event or compelling story. 

Add the video to your blog for a more in-depth visual explanation of your article.

Google News gives readers up to date information on the top stories around the world.  Conduct a search in Google News and write relevant articles on one of the top stories related to your niche.  

Stay on top of news stories and find a way to use that current information in your blog.  For example the Olympics in 2016 was a worldwide event.  

I found articles related to the Olympics in blog posts and the writer made it relevant to the current event. Eat This Not that did a peace on what the athletes ate in order to stay competive and win the race.  

I wrote articles on cupping therapy and how the athletes used cupping to relieve pain and sooth sore muscles.  Both articles used a current event and were able to adapt that information into a relevant blog post in their niche.

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator is my number one choice.  Don’t know what to blog about?  Let Hubspot do the work for you by generating ideas for you.  

 Simply fill out the fields with terms (preferably nouns) that you would like to write about and Hubspot will come up with a weeks’ worth of topics in seconds.  Choose one of the suggestions and start writing. 

Hubspot Blog Generator

Google Keyword tool is essential to selecting a topic in your niche.  Google keyword planner is a free AdWords tool that helps you build search network campaigns by finding network keyword ideas and building upon that information.  

You can search for keywords and groups of words that will give you statistical data on how well that topic will perform.  Create new keywords by multiplying several lists together to come up with new keywords and phrases. 

Google keyword planner will give you the insight on the best keywords or phrases to use in your blog post.  You will never run of our great ideas with this teriffic tool.

Go to sign up for a account and log in.  At the top of your dashboard select tools.  Then select Keyword tools and fill out the form to get started.  Type in your keywords and research title phrases and terms.  

Once you type in a keyword you will be given lists to choose from. Use the Analytics to determin the best preforming keywords for your topics and use them in your title and throughout your blog post for good SEO.  

Buzzsumo is a fantastic source of information and inspiration.  Analyze what topics are performing well and see what your competitor is writing about. You can use that information as a starting point to get ideas for your next article and make it better than the competitors.  

Use in-depth explanations with examples, images, and videos and add testimonials to take your next blog post to new heights.  Your article just might make it into Buzzsumo at some point.

Pinterest is a specular source of inspiration and is a content sharing service that allows users to pin and share content, videos, and images for others to see.  This site also includes slandered social networking features.  

Do you need great ideas for your next blog post?  Simple log into Pinterest and set up an account.  Start searching in your niche.  For example if you are interested in cooking you can conduct a search on the keyword cooking.  

In seconds you will have thousands of recipes, images and blogs at your fingertips all relating to cooking. Other categories include cooking, healthy cooking, weight loss, yoga, business, entrepreneur, health, diets, home and garden, animals, saving animals, moon, nature, blogging and anything else you can think of.   

You can easily find a topic on Pinterest in your particular nice and write about it.  Learn how to use Pinterest for your business in promoting your blog or website.  Pinterest is a huge social network that should be included in your campaigns.

Stumbleupon is a wonderful site that offers thousands of newly discovered sites sharing their latest images and information.  If you are ever stuck on how to choose a topic for your next blog post then check out stumbleupon and look through specific niche topics for inspiration. 

After joining you will receive emails from  Stumbleupon related to your interstress that include specular images and content that will inspire your inner writer.

Google+ is a great place to research.  Join the communities in your specific niche and interests and see what others are writing about. Post your latest articles on Google+ and increase your exposure and traffic to your blog.  

Get great ideas and share your information with others in a well written blog post on a compelling topic.

Instagram is a very popular website and can be a great tool in finding topics to write about as well as promoting your next blog post. 

Post content and related images to your Instagram page and get connected to others in your niche.  Soon you will have others seeking out your information and liking and sharing your page. 

Quora is a good place to ask questions and get answers for your topic.  If you are stuck and need more ideas on topics you can post a question on Quora and get a response or do research on your topic of interest.

UberSuggest for keyword suggestions.  This tool is simple to use and will give you suggestions for any keyword or phrase in seconds.  Type in your specific keyword and you will get several ideas for topics you can write about related to your niche.

Writing Checklist

Do You Need a Topic for Your Blog?

There are websites and blogs on every subject you can think of floating around on the internet. Choosing a topic for your next blog post should be a breeze once you find the inspiration you are looking for. 

Check out this list and write about it in your next post.  Your blog should be focused on one topic and then you can elaborate on subtopics related to your niche.
1.)    Cooking
2.)    Food
3.)    Recipes
4.)    Recipes for children
5.)    Healthy recipes
6.)    Recipes for couples without children
7.)    Recipes for singles
8.)    Dog training
9.)    Health care for dogs
10.) Cat training
11.) How to take care of your cat
12.) Business
13.) Business Marketing
14.) How to Start a business
15.) Entrepreneur
16.) Marketing
17.) Blogging
18.) Website design
19.) Online Marketing
20.) SEO
21.) SEO Marketing
22.) Advertising
23.) Self-Improvement
24.) Health and Wellness
25.) Weight loss
26.) Diet
27.) Fitness
28.) Health
29.) Writing
30.) How to travel on a budget
31.) Travel to new destinations
32.)  Write Reviews on products and services
33.) Language learning blogs
34.) Tutorial blogs on a specific niche
35.) Webinars
36.) Personal development
37.) Spiritually
38.) Yoga
39.) Communication skills
40.) Social media
41.) Working independently in uncommon fields
42.) Rescued animals
43.) How to start a charity
44.) How to promote your business
45.) How to become a freelance writer
46.) Self Defense
47.)  Save the Earth
48.) Fashion
49.) How to make money online?
50.) Guide for women’s issues
51.) Guide for male issues
52.) How to guide be successful in business
53.)  A guide for men on female communication
54.) A guide for females on communication with men
55.) Dating
56.)  How to use technology for business today including payment processing, Credit card processing, Google docks, business start ups
57.) Legal issues
58.) Divorce
59.) Family
60.) Loans
61.) Finance
62.) Cyber Bulling, Bulling
63.) Cyber Crimes
64.) Behavioral disorders
65.) Criminal Behavior
66.) Entrepreneurial education for adults and children
67.) Politics
68.) News
69.) Home improvement projects DYI
70.) Better Home improvements
71.)  How to plant a garden
72.) How to plant a flower garden
73.) How to plant a vegetable garden
74.) How to  install a fish pond
75.) How to raise Coy fish
76.) How to live on a budget
77.) How to invest
78.) How to be a good friend
79.) How to have strong relationships
80.) Body weight training
81.) Metabolic training
82.) Aqua training
83.) Physical therapy
84.) How to train for a Triathlon
85.) Follow your bliss
86.) Create the job of your dreams
87.) How to create a residual income online
88.) How to Start over
89.) How to find inspiration
90.) How to choose the right career
91.) Family planning
92.) Fun with kids
93.) Fun activities for kids and parents
94.) Self-sustaining life style (Growing your own food, using solar power, etc.)
95.) Create the life you want
96.) Hamburgers
97.) What not to eat
98.)  Decadent deserts
99.) Careers ( Follow your passion0
100.) Mind strengthening exercises (Mind over Matter)

Choose Your Niche & Relate To Your Topic

There are literally thousands of topics to write about including finding solutions to everyday problems or giving advice on a well-researched topic. 

Use your expertise or life experience and write about that topic. Write about whatever you are passionate about and readers will enjoy your content on any specific niche.  

Once you chose your niche you can start writing on sub-categories and develop your blog content around that subject matter. 

For example, if you choose a niche in business your subcategories may be business start- ups, how to become an entrepreneur, SEO for business, Online Marketing ect.  

The possibilities are endless.  Finding a topic to write about only requires a little inspiration and ingenuity.

Leave me a comment.  How do find topics to write about?  What is your inspiration?  Follow me on Facebook

Patricia Lynn

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